I caught up with Orlando Coleman, one of the star players of JKSE in Jaszbereny, Hungary. His quiet and respectful demeanor hides an incredibly explosive talent on the court that I got to witness the day before when his team faced off the Falco-Vulcano Energia KC. Coleman finished the game with a spectacular score bringing JKSA to a memorable win. Here’s my brief interview with him.
AGE: 26
What is your story? How did you end up in Hungary?
I started my pro basketball career Dec. 2016 after graduating with my Master’s Degree in Health and Human Performance, from Texas Southern University. I started in Canada for the KW Titans then later moved on to play in Mexico, Serbia, New Zealand and now Hungary.
What are your favorite things about Hungary?
My favorite thing about Hungary so far has been the beautiful views in Budapest. I enjoy walking around there and walking to the castle. Everything is so picture perfect.
What are your not-so favorite things about it?
I really don’t have any not-so-favorite things about the Hungary. I love new experiences and cultures. I am able to adapt anywhere I go and enjoy each country for what it is.
What is your favorite food in Hungary?
I love the Goulash soup. I didn’t really eat much soup before coming here, only on occasions. But now, I eat soup before almost every meal.
Tell me about your favorite things to do in Hungary?
Honestly, my favorite thing to do is play ball. I love the game so much, that’s why I didn’t hesitate to take the opportunities I had to play professional ball internationally. I just want to win and create memories that will never be forgotten.
What is your favorite place in Hungary?
Jászberény, Bercsényi Sportcsarnok. I really enjoy game days. The time leading up to the game never gets old. It’s like the calm before the storm. Every moment is so priceless to me. I’m always thinking about how blessed I am and thankful to be able to do what I love and I never take it for granted.
If you had a friend visit from your homeland for a couple of days where would you take him/her?
Actually, my best friend is coming in from USA after New Year. He will be here Jan. 3rd, just in time for my game on the 5th. He will see me play live for first time as a professional and then we will go up to Budapest. This is his first time out of the country we will be tourists for a day and visit all of the sites in Budapest.
If you had “Creator’s wand” what would you do in Hungary, what would you change –if anything? How would you make things better if?
I wouldn’t necessarily change anything about the country. Because I feel every country is unique in its own way. I’ve always enjoyed helping people in need or just anyway. So if I had a Creators wand, I would just find ways to help people earn more money and boost the economy.